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Sunday, June 05, 2011

Baby Steps

How many times are we told to start things in Baby Steps? Every time we start something new it's always the same start out small and add to it. Even as children we have to learn to roll before we can crawl and crawl before we can walk and walk before we can run. Well then why is it when we become adults we think that we are beyond baby steps? Every time i start a new project i wanna JUMP in with both feet and without even looking then before i know it i am waist deep into a mess that i don't know how i got there or how to even compleate the task i am looking at. i tend to have so many ambitions and i just wanna jump in and start with a full plate instead of adding a little at a time. I wanna do it all NOW! I want the weight that i have put over the past 8 years to come off today. I want my house that i have neglected for days to be spotless NOW. I to read all the books i have been meaning to read right now. I want to learn all there is to lean about being a good wife, mother, woman and child of God today and put it to use. So what is wrong with all these desires? when you put too much on your plate and don't take baby steps then you WILL FAIL and fall flat on your face. take my word for it i start out exercise programs, reading programs and house cleaning programs on Monday and i'm lucky if any of my programs are still in place by the following Monday.

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